How Can Counselors Get It So Terribly Wrong?

counselors so terribly wrong

Whenever we try to counsel the world without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we get it so terribly wrong. That is also true when we seek counsel. Often our would be counselors can get it so wrong. We hear so much noise surrounding us from the some much media. All are advising us on how to make the next decision or which direction our lives should go. But how do we know what counsel is true and what counsel is terribly wrong. Perhaps as we look at Job’s friends, we can learn from their failures. After all, they drove Job farther away from God’s truth and deeper into despair. This despite their using theology as their supposed truth. Falling short of real truth, they exchanged Godly truth for a lie wrapped in the appearance of virtue. Is that not what we so often see today?


Each of his friends approached the situation with words they felt were helpful; but only drove Job farther away from the truth of God’s essence and Glory. This being the case until Elihu who finally spoke with both grace and humility.  As we explore the words of the counselors as well as the response of Job, let us learn ourselves not to lean on our own understanding concerning the tragedies that befall this earth including the suffering of brothers and sisters in Christ.  Rather than to get it so terribly wrong, let us seek understanding through the Holy Spirit’s comforting truth.   

Here in the book of Job we do see the stark contrast of human counselors with that of The Comforter.  We can, like Elihu surrender our hearts and minds humbly to the Holy Spirit within us that He may guide us to display the truth of God’s character.  Or we can like Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar get it so terribly wrong. Unlike these counselors of old, we have the distinct privilege of being indwelt by the Holy Spirit always.  If only we would learn to surrender all to Him. 

I Corinthians 1(NET):Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we may be able to comfort those experiencing any trouble[c] with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For just as the sufferings of Christ overflow[f toward us, so also our comfort through Christ overflows to you.

What was so Terribly Wrong with what Eliphaz spoke?

Job suddenly after a week of silence spoke forth bemoaning the day that he was born.  Forgetting about all the good that had happened, much like Jimmy Stewart in “It’s a Wonderful Life”, Job forgot all about the goodness of God that had been bestowed on him.  In a sense, the uplifting strength of the truth that “God giveth and God taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord” had faded in Job’s own despair.  As his eyes turned away from God to look upon his current suffering, Job lost sight of his only true hope.

This is where Eliphaz broke into the conversation.  Based upon his own observations of life and visons, he began with both flattery and accusation at the same time.  To paraphrase:  “Oh, you who have comforted so many; yet, cannot comfort yourself”. Eliphaz’s style was that of the Intellectual Authoritarian who believes himself to be the virtuous one who can declare what is right and wrong for everyone–the aristocratic elite.

Job 4 (NET)

Call to mind now
Who being innocent, ever perished?
And where were upright people[w] ever destroyed?
Even as I have seen, those who plow[z] iniquity
and those who sow trouble reap the same
By the breath of God they perish,
and by the blast of his anger they are consumed.

Therefore, Job you must be guilty of some terrible sin.  Here stood Eliphaz confronting Job of wrongdoing without any proof.  Indeed, was Eliphaz somewhat self-exalting to be dare accuse this man who was known for his integrity?  Before this, Job had been known by all as the most Godly man on earth.  Was Eliphaz elated to be able to accuse him now of being “not so Godly, after all”. 

How often is that the case among would-be Christian counselors within our churches today?  And certainly we see it among our leaders who accuse others of the very things they do by twisting the truth and speaking with such eloquence and virtue signaling, though laced with lies.

An Appeal to the Supernatural

Eliphaz then tries to add further weight to his speech by describing a vision he had while sleeping. 

Job 4 (NET)

“Now a word was stealthily brought to me,
and my ear caught a whisper  of it.
13 In the troubling thoughts  of the dreams[ in the night
when a deep sleep falls on men,
14 dread  gripped me and trembling,
which made all my bones shake.
15 Then a breath of air[av] passes[ by my face;
it makes  the hair of my flesh stand up.
16 It stands still,
but I cannot recognize its appearance;
an image is before my eyes,
and I hear a murmuring voice:

17 ‘Is a mortal man  righteous before God?
Or a man pure before his Creator?
18 If  God puts no trust in  his servants
and attributes[bl] folly to his angels,
19 how much more to those who live in houses of clay,
whose foundation is in the dust,
who are crushed like a moth?
20 They are destroyed between morning and evening
they perish forever[bs] without anyone regarding it
21 Is not their excess wealth taken away from them?
They die yet without attaining wisdom.

In other words.  Job, everyone has sinned.  So just publicly proclaim your sin right now before God and us, so you can possibly be restored.  Let us hear all the details of your sin.  Confess it now. 

Comforters gone amuck and terribly wrong.

Eliphaz did not stop there but went on to imply that Job’s children died because of his sin.  All this came as judgement from God for whatever act of disobedience Job had committed against God.

Job 5 (NET) “Call now!  Is there anyone who will answer you?

To which of the holy ones will you turn?
For wrath kills the foolish person
and anger slays the silly one.
I, myself, have seen the fool taking root,
but suddenly I cursed his place of residence
His children are far from safety,
and they are crushed at the place where judgment is rendered
nor is there anyone to deliver them.

Essentially Eliphaz was saying, “No one can help you until you acknowledge your terrible sin.  This is all your fault because God is just and would not allow all this unless you had sinned horrendously against Him.  If it were me, Job, I would seek God.”  As though Job had not been. 

And to this Job replied with even greater anguish.  For the life of himself, he could not see beyond the depth of his pain and suffering.  Even worse, he knew that God IS Sovereign.   He must have been the one who sent such agony.  But why?  Job wondered what possibly his crime was to deserve this?     

Spiraling downward Eliphaz was terribly wrong.

As Eliphaz later speaks it becomes clear that his is a totalitarian ideology.  What I say is true.  Your punishment fits the crime.  Therefore, you must have committed a crime and you must confess that crime now to be relieved of your agony.  “You are a blustering wind bag Job with no knowledge” (Job 15). 

By his third speech (Job22), Eliphaz made up lies against Job with false accusations of great crimes never committed—just to prove himself right in the eyes of the others.  Typical authoritarianism which grows in its desire to appear wise and good, so lies become the means of arrival with the end justifying the means.  Perhaps he thought Job would turn and confess what was his true crime in a fit of rage.  However, instead Job became outraged in his defense of himself to the point that he questioned whether God was just in His dealings with humanity. 

Job longed to see God; but had been driven to a place where he lost sight of where even to look for God. 

23 Then Job answered:

“Even today my complaint is still bitter
his hand is heavy despite my groaning.
O that I knew where I might find him,
that I could come to his place of residence!…

“If I go to the east, he is not there,
and to the west, yet I do not perceive him.
In the north when he is at work,
I do not see him;
when he turns to the south,
I see no trace of him.
10 But He knows the pathway that I take
13 But he is unchangeable. Who can change him?
Whatever he has desired, he does.
14 For he fulfills his decree against me
and many such things are his plans
15 That is why I am terrified in his presence;
when I consider, I am afraid because of him.
16 Indeed, God has made my heart faint;[
the Almighty has terrified me.
17 Yet I have not been silent because of the darkness,
because of the thick darkness
that covered my face.

Have you been there?  That place where the agony is so great you do not know where to turn.  You have forgotten that God is right there with you.  What you need is a real friend willing to stay beside you while gently reminding you that God IS wise, good and has a plan for your good.  But Job’s counselors were certainly not that kind. 

Bildad the Traditionalist—Human Thoughts of Wisdom, totally wrong

So, Bildad enters his first dialogue guns blazing!  As Job pleaded his case regarding his suffering, Bildad blasted into his speech with no empathy or grace.

Job 8: “How long will you speak these things,
seeing that the words of your mouth
are like a great wind?
Does God pervert justice?
Or does the Almighty pervert what is right?
If your children sinned against him,
he gave them over to the penalty] of their sin….
“For inquire now of the former generation,and pay attention to the findings
of their ancestors.

In other words.  Job you are guilty, guilty, guilty.  If not, this would not have happened to you.  This is God’s wrath against you, look at the corridors of history.  Ah, but that is just it.  The corridors of history demonstrate God’s mercy on those who trust in Him by Grace Alone, through faith alone—not of works.  Adam sinned.  Yet God provided the means of salvation.  Sin filled life with grief and toil; but God did not abandon Adam.    So, Bildad as with all who turn to humanistic thinking, is terribly wrong.  Bildad like the other counselors only drove Job farther away from God.  Instead of turning Jobs eyes  to look to God, Bildad’s advice was  “look to the wisdom of ancestors.”

Bildad resumed after Job again pleaded to God to hear his cry.  

Job 15: Your sin inspires your mouth;
you choose the language of the crafty.
Your own mouth condemns you, not I;
your own lips testify against you.
“Were you the first man ever born?

The harder they pushed; the louder Job protested. 

Then Bildad ends with the only thing everyone agreed on—God is powerful and holds dominion over everything. 

Zophar the legalist—was totally wrong.

Of all the counselors, Zophar was the briefest; yest he was harsh, accusatory, and ruthlessly judgmental.

He began with saying that Job was a bag of hot wind spewing mockeries against God and had to be rebuked.  At no point did Zophar show any empathy or compassion for the grief and suffering of Job.  Then he said, “Job 1120 But the eyes of the wicked fail
and escape eludes them; their one hope is to breathe their last.”

In other words, Job your depression and desire to die are because of your wickedness.

Then when Zophar speaks the second time, he says,

Job 20:  “Surely you know[i] that it has been from old,

ever since humankind was placed[j] on the earth,
that the elation of the wicked is brief,[k]
the joy of the godless[l] lasts but a moment.[m]
Even though his stature[n] reaches to the heavens
and his head touches the clouds,
he will perish forever, like his own excrement;[o

By this point these counselors of Job had been so concerned with their own ideologies they did not provide neither comfort nor guidance for Job to turn his eyes back to God.  What was true is that God is Sovereign, powerful and beyond reproach.  However, their delivery was so atrocious that even a good man like Job could not be drawn closer to God.  Instead he was driven into despair

What About Us?

This applies to each of us; both in our giving and receiving of counsel. Do not let worldly counsel drive you away from your only true counselor. Wisdom can only be found in God Alone. As you read and meditate upon His word, dying to self; you allow the Holy Spirit to take over as guide, counselor and teacher. Then, regardless of the circumstances you learn that God is always good. He is Sovereign, remaining on His throne.

His ways may not be yours; however, He knows always just how to take all this stuff and transform it into something beautiful in your life. He is guiding every step of your way. And when we get it terribly wrong, He is ever present in the heart of the believer to lead them to a closer walk with Him. The more we learn of Him, the more joyous our life becomes.

When God allowed Judah to be taken captive by the Babylonians, it was due to their own sin and rebellion against Him. Yet, Jeremiah wrote these words from God even prior to their captivity.

Jeremiah 28 NKJV

10 For thus says the Lord: After seventy years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform My good word toward you, and cause you to return to this place. 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity;

Let us always remember this too. It is more important that we grow in our knowledge of Him than our temporary comfort here on earth. WE are to be lights of hope to a world that is dying without Him. How can I do that unless I surrender to His will in every circumstance, trusting Him who loves me so much He is unwilling to leave me where He found me–lost and broken.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. There is nothing more important than this; because He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2021
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New English Translation (NET)

NET Bible® copyright ©1996-2017 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

New King James Version (NKJV)

Photo by Luis Galvez on Unsplash

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