Happy Birthday to My Son, Alberto


On February 19, 1980, God gave me a precious gift to hold and to love.  What a privilege it has been to be the mother of Alberto F. Barba.  Through all the years, whether good or bad; his smile has lit up the room with joy, hope, and strength.  God gifted him with leadership which was evident even when so young.  He took on the task of being his brother’s protector when he was merely 5 years old.  Ah, and I remember the moment at age six that he first said, “yes” to following God.  It would be years before he says he accepted Christ as his Savior; however, I remember his simple prayer way back then asking God to come into his heart.

We had just come to a stop light, driving on the outskirts of Dallas in my White Dodge Ram Charger. Amid a sometimes frightening world, I said a prayer of praise; because, I knew in that moment God had the steering wheel of my life and my children.  Alberto, always stood for truth and honor; even, with trembling hands looking into his father’s eyes to tell him in a gentle voice when he was wrong.  At the same time, he reached out with arms of love, quickly forgiving and looking for all that was good.

Alberto, now the man

For me, Alberto will always be my “osito panda”; but, to the world he is a man.  He is a dedicated husband, father, and Christian; who always strives to do his best.  His  integrity, honesty,  and God honoring life shines in everything he does.  Happy Birthday, Alberto.  May God always shine His light of blessing on your life.  Ah, but I know He will.  His plans are always the best; whatever, road He takes us down.

Love, Mom

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017
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