Happy Birthday Ronald Barba, God’s Warrior

2 Timothy 3: Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.4No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

When I first found out that I was pregnant with Ronald, my first question to God was “How can I keep this child safe?”  At the time Alberto was barely 6 months old and I struggled to keep one baby safe in a world of violence.  I questioned God each day.  Ronald came into this world a 4 lb 4 oz preemie that looked so fragile.  As he grew, he seemed to always separate into his own world of make believe with “action figures” in his hands.  So uniquely formed by God, little did I realize all of God’s plans.  That is the case so much of the time. Yet, God knew that He needed this soldier in the streets. 

Ronald is such a unique blend of justice and mercy wrapped into one.  By the time he was five, he began to draw action figures with such unique detail.  Later, after so many trials in life, he accepted Christ as His Savior and seemed to be gifted with both justice and mercy.  Truly a complex blend of gifts that at times makes life a struggle.  He was always quiet; but would suddenly speak forth with wisdom beyond his own self.  Despite the pain or sorrow this world would fling upon him, he would sit quietly and sometimes sadly with little to say.  He would arise each day and go about the tasks set before him in silent sorrow.  Then, suddenly, as out of no where, he would come and lie down across my bed and say  “Mom, God’s timing is always perfect and He always knows what is best.” 

Ronald is now an artist, a deputy sheriff and living in his own beautiful home so uniquely and beautifully designed.  Whenever he reaches out to put his arm around me to say “Mom, I love you” or he takes my hand and smiles to let me know “It’s all ok” ; I thank God for this my son. 

God gave him strength and gentleness, wisdom and honor, truth and grace and blended it all into this very disciplined soldier of Christ.  Happy birthday my son.