Hands Joined In Faith In the Midst of Life’s Trials


This pilgrimage journey that we who know Christ must walk upon this earth is filled with sorrows, pains, pitfalls, and moments of such brokenness that our faith seems such a fragile thread that we can hardly cling to. We know that the scripture tells us that we have joy in Christ, that God is Sovereign, and that all things work together for good. At my age I have witnessed it over and over again in my own life; still, my heart bleeds when I see one of my children hurting or in pain. Though they may be grown, I long to run to them, to scoop them into my arms and to hold them until the pain goes away. I so wish that I could just kiss “the boo-boo” and make it all better.

Faith is

So, where is my faith? It is right there in the midst of my greatest fears as God’s mighty arms are still holding me, even when my heart is bleeding. It is right there in my river of tears as I lay before God, humble, helpless, broken, and with a contrite heart. Faith is that moment of peace; however brief, that occurs as you look up to see a glimpse of glory and feel the presence of God wrap around your trembling soul. Faith is that smile that emerges from the pain or the song that gently rises from the depth of your broken heart, reminding you that you are God’s Child—chosen, redeemed and beloved.

Pain is that reminder that this is not my final home. Sorrow drives me to my knees to the only source of strength that I can rely on. Trials remind me that on this earth I was never meant to stand alone on my self-reliant island. God designed us to need each other. He knew that the only way to transform a selfish, self-exalting heart was to allow it to be broken sometimes, so it can be made new. He also knew that the only way that we could truly learn of His love was for us to need each other. As we have been discussing, there are various motivational gifts which God has bestowed upon us in Christ. In His wisdom, He chose to divide out those gifts in a manner that we would need each other to stand firm in faith; filled with His peace and His Joy. These gifts are each unique and unless we understand how they blend together harmoniously; we too often misunderstand allowing the different motivating forces to be a wedge rather than the support beam God intended them to be. We have looked at what the gift of prophecy (Justice) looks like. We also looked at Service, Mercy and Leadership. I explained to you how before I understood the beauty of these gifts, I most avoided those with the gift of leadership and they were the one that someone with Mercy most needed in their life to balance them. There are three major motivational gifts we have yet to cover and they are Giving, Teaching, and Exhortation.

You would think those with the gift of Mercy would also have the gift of Giving—right? Wrong. Oh, yes mercy is very giving of money as well as time; however, they are usually in need of a lot of help from someone who has the gift of giving. Something I very much had to learn. Those with the true gift of giving are actually very frugal and know how to invest their money wisely. They are quickly turned off by outward pressure for giving. They see their labor as part of the gift when they give. They see a need quickly; yet, take the time to evaluate the true need and to wait for God to guide them. They are thrifty, resourceful, contented, patient, tolerant and very grateful for what they have been blessed with. They are cautious not to rush in before God’s timing. In the end, they have more to give to the ministry of Christ. So, once more I needed to learn to take direction from one of my sons. I had always just given away everything to help whoever would ask for help and never waiting to discover if that was God’s plan in the situation. Unfortunate for my current circle of friends and acquaintances, I now take lesson from my son and don’t do that anymore. Now I wait, evaluate and give to the ministries God leads me to and I have become more frugal so as to be able to give when God says give.

So, my dear friends and readers; remember this. We are all on this journey of faith together through this pilgrimage land and we need each other. We need to learn to embrace our differences harmoniously. We need to draw from each other’s strengths to help guide our own weaknesses. What an awesome, loving heavenly Father to have designed it that way. Wisdom comes through learning of God’s ways through study of His word and through spending time in prayer with Him.

Romans 12: 9-12Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord  Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

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©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

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