Greater Grace, Sovereign Love

Victory’s Battle Cry—A Study in Joshua (Part 12)—Greater Grace, Sovereign Love

As I have pondered, read, reread and searched—I was initially baffled by what comes next in Joshua Chapter 9. The Israelites were victorious over Jericho because of God’s guiding hand. They had then initially failed because they did it their way against Ai. Ultimately they won against Ai after repenting and learning to once more follow God’s plan. Now we come to Chapter 9, which I hope you have read. As I explain the plot of the story, I hope to give justice to the deeper meaning for our lives.


Used with written Permission of Ronald Barba who owns the copyright. Click on link for more information.

We will see an alliance formed by deceit that becomes honored. We see a nation once more fail to seek God’s guidance; yet, He graciously provides anyway. We see God’s majesty, sovereignty and grace displayed to an undeserving people. GOD NEVER CHANGES WHO HE IS-THE GREAT I AM, FOREVER AND ALWAYS.

The story is that all the other kings inhabiting the lands that God had given long ago to Abraham are suddenly afraid and want to join forces together to try to beat the Israelites. That is all except for the Hivites. The Hivites dwelled in the cities of Gibeon, Chephirah, Beeroth and Kirjath Jearim. The leaders from the main city which was Gibeon made up a story that they had traveled from very far away and wished an alliance with the Israeli nation because they feared God. Joshua 9: “14 ¶ And the [i]men accepted their tale concerning their victuals, and counseled not with the mouth of the Lord.15 So Joshua made peace with them, and made a league with them, that he would suffer them to live: also the Princes of the Congregation swore unto them.” Once more, the leaders move on to make a pact without talking to God first—a very foolish move. Later they find that they were tricked by these people; however, the people remained true to their part of the bargain and become the

slaves and servants to God’s people. What I found so amazing was that God used this failure to ultimately bring good still to His people. He still helped them to win against all the other Kings. The Gibeonites remained under the protection of the Israeli nation. In fact, when King Saul rose up against them; God stood on their side and had King David make amends. Indeed in a very high place in Gibeon the tabernacle of the Lord was housed until a proper house was built—we see this when King Solomon went to offer sacrifices to God 2 Chronicles 1(GNV) “3 So Solomon and all the Congregation with him went to the high place that was at[c]Gibeon: for there was the Tabernacle [d]of the Congregation of God which Moses the servant of the Lord had made in the wilderness.” So, did these people of Gibeon come to worship God or were they merely a people who revered God’s strength. We aren’t told that part. We do know that they were protected by God’s army when the other Kings came against them. We also know that these people remained as faithful servants of the people of God for many generations to come willingly in gratitude for their having been spared. How much like us these people of Gibeon are. In all our foolishness and self deceit pretending to be “good” instead of the deceitful sinners that we are; yet, God’s Grace so amazes us that we willingly choose to be His humble servants for life because of our gratitude which binds us to love Him. Not because we loved first; but, because He loved us. We also note one more important lesson from Chapter 9. Joshua had covenanted with these people in the name of God Almighty and for that reason (even though he had not asked God’s counsel first)—he honored the contract. Whatever came as a result, Joshua knew he could not dishonor God’s name. Much like the times we go into a business contract without talking to God first. We become duty bound to uphold that contract unless God himself removes it. The same is true of marriage. Unless God dissolves the marriage due to the spouse leaving or committing adultery, as Christians we cannot initiate the divorce. I say this with a heavy heart because I failed God many years ago in this very matter; yet, I can tell you that God is Good, Gracious, and Forgiving. Much like David, I did repent with a broken and Contrite Heart and God restored the Joy of my Salvation. He is ever present with me. He is Sovereign over my darkest night and in the morning light. He even took my failures, used them as a part of His Sanctifying work within me, and then turned them into a means of Glorifying Himself through me. What an amazing God we serve.

So, where are you today? Are you frustrated with promises you have made on your own? Are you willing to be the servant of God, no matter what? Do you trust His Sovereignty over your life? Just, fall before Him and let Him perform His work in your life—whatever it takes and wherever He leads you.

Can you sing along with Laura Story this amazing song titled Grace?

1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

Geneva Bible, 1599 Edition. Published by Tolle Lege Press. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in articles, reviews, and broadcasts.

© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

Artwork is used with written permission of Ronald Barba who owns the copyright. His work can be found at:

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