God’s Song of Love

God’s Song of Love

by Effie Darlene Barba

I fell before your precious throne

With broken heart so all alone

My tears were falling like the rain

And then I heard this sweet refrain


I have loved you before the dawn of time

Desired to give my joy sublime

My love held tight

By my own might

Come, dear child, I’ll hold you near

Wrapped in my love there is no fear

Cradled tight within my arms

Safely kept from this world’s harms

I’ll sing my song of love for you

Your hope and joy I will renew


Amazed by grace, my hope did grow

Enlightened heart his love doth know

All fear now gone, I rise to run

For I am God’s dear precious one

As He sang


I have loved you before the dawn of time

Desired to give my joy sublime

My love held tight

By my own might

Come, dear child, I’ll hold you near

Wrapped in my love there is no fear

Cradled tight within my arms

Safely kept from this world’s harms

I’ll sing my song of love for you

Your hope and joy I will renew


So, as I walk this journey here

I’ll love and live without the fear

For I will stand with faith so strong

Because for me He sings this song


I have loved you before the dawn of time

Desired to give my joy sublime

My love held tight

By my own might

Come, dear child, I’ll hold you near

Wrapped in my love there is no fear

Cradled tight within my arms

Safely kept from this world’s harms

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

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I’ll sing my song of love for you

Your hope and joy I will renew