God’s Gift of a Friend

God’s Gift of A Friend

by Effie Darlene Barba

So precious the gift, when God gives you a friend

To lift you, to guide you, to cheer to the end

Like Angels of hope when skies turn to gray

They know where you’ve been and they’ve chosen to stay

When sorrows would try to invade for a while

They know the right words to make your heart smile

They have taken the time to know who you are

Beneath all the pain, beneath all the scar

They know who you are and who you can be

And know the right words to set your heart free

They shine in your life like beacons of light

That ward off the fear and the darkness of night

When fiery trials of life must come your way

They know what to do and know what to say

They reach forth their hand and quench all the flame

While joyously laugh, “all is well” they proclaim

They enter our lives like a whisper, a prayer

We never do know just how long they’ll be there

Yet, so precious a gift of God’s love and His grace

Is shown in their eyes and shown in their face

You never do know what tomorrow may bring

So today is the day to dance and to sing

Their journey may lead them to far, far away

So cherish this moment and cherish this day

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

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