God Shines His Light of Knowledge

Power filled Positive Thinking—Chapter 11b-God Shines His Light of Knowledge

In Christ—we are enlightened with God’s wisdom so that we might know joy in Him throughout this pilgrimage journey on this earth. Look at Proverbs 2: (TLB) “6 For the Lord grants wisdom! His every word is a treasure of knowledge and understanding. 7-8 He grants good sense to the godly—his saints. He is their shield, protecting them and guarding their pathway. 9 He shows how to distinguish right from wrong, how to find the right decision every time. 10 For wisdom and truth will enter the very center of your being, filling your life with joy.”

revealing lightoriginal photo courtesy of Jim Peregoy

Indeed a large part of our journey here is designed by God to prepare us to see His wondrous Glory as even more glorious that we could otherwise see. He is teaching us how to revel and bathe in the overflowing fountain of God the Father’s love of His Son, Jesus Christ. Step by step He is guiding us to be able to experience the ecstatic Joy which is within the God-head.

It begins when our hearts are first illuminated to see, to desire, and to savor above all other treasure the Glory of God as portrayed in the face of Jesus Christ. For someone born blind from birth who suddenly is given sight by a skillful surgeons hands—that first ray of light awakens their desire to view and see more—a whole new world of possibilities opens. In that same manner God reaches down to shine that first ray of light into the dark, deadness of our blind hearts. There is where we first desire Him and recognize the magnificent beauty and treasure of Jesus Christ. With that first ray of light for each of us who accept Christ, a whole new world of possibilities opens. Look at 2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”

He has given us His word—the Bible to instruct us and He has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us, teach us, and show us a clear pathway. ” 26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John14).

Does this only have to do with spiritual aspects of our life? No!! It is from the test you are taking for school, the patient you are caring for, and even the skills for your job. That does not diminish your need to study and prepare; but, it does mean that you don’t need to worry once you have prepared—rest on the Holy Spirit to open your mind to recall what you have studied. That was my secret to being a  good student, my secret to patient care, my secret to learning new skill sets for work, and definitely my secret to figuring out how to manage a website.  Every time I began to think that it was me or I failed to seek God’s help, that was when I would struggle and even fail miserably.    God provides what we need to succeed in whatever task He has called us to as long as we recognize He is our source so that we seek Him. We see this in: Exodus 31: (TLB) “The Lord also said to Moses, “See, I have appointed Bezalel (son of Uri, and grandson of Hur, of the tribe of Judah), 3 and have filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him great wisdom, ability, and skill in constructing the Tabernacle and everything it contains. 4 He is highly capable as an artistic designer of objects made of gold, silver, and bronze. 5 He is skilled, too, as a jeweler and in carving wood.”

Finally, for today-does that mean when I seek God’s wisdom the path will be perfectly smooth? No!! Our pilgrimage journey here is to prepare us to know Him in all His Glory one day. Our journey here is demonstrating to us that He is our greatest treasure. When I know that, I open my eyes to see His mighty hand working in me. What others might see as hardships and trials I become able to see as stepping stones to greater joy. “7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body” (2 Corinthians 4).

Let me leave you with this famous poem, which I have quoted so often to myself along this journey

“I walked a mile with Pleasure;
She chatted all the way;
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.
I walked a mile with Sorrow;
And ne’er a word said she;
But, oh! The things I learned from her,
When Sorrow walked with me.”

Robert Browning Hamilton

Next time we will look further into how we seek and find God’s clear guidance so our lives can be always filled with faith, hope and joy.

I will leave you with this song. Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

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