God Mends the Broken Hearted

Psalm 34: 17 The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.

18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.

Psalm 51: 16 For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering.

17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

18 Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem.

Once upon a time there was a girl who somehow grew up believing that her worth depended in part upon finding someone who would love her.  She prayed that God would send her that perfect husband who would forever stand beside her.  In her mixed up and confused theology she believed that if she worked hard enough and tried harder to please God, the proof of her having won God’s favor was that he would grant her this one wish.  Her path led her down many roads that led to her only having a broken heart.  She found the one she loved so dearly and withstood whatever hardships the marriage brought to win her husband’s love and when that had finally happened, he died and she was left broken.  At times she compromised God’s laws and so easily excused it in the name of love and believing perhaps that was the best that God had for her and that she would never be good enough for more.   One day she cried out to God. "Why Lord if I love you, do you keep breaking my heart?  Then there in that moment she realized, that it was not God breaking her heart; rather, she was breaking God’s heart.  Christ wept every time she believed He was not enough.  He had been there to shower His love upon her every step of the way.  Much like Christ when he went to raise Lazarus from the dead.  He had come with the greatest gift, He was overwhelmed with excitement at the miracle that He was about to perform.  Yet, when He arrived, all were mourning and none believed He was enough. When He asked, "Do you believe, I am the resurrection of life?"; they mumbled theology with a sad countenance, Oh, yes we know that one day you will resurrect; but where were you when my brother died.  Then Christ wept.  That girl was me. The miraculous thing was that the moment I realized the fact that it had been I breaking God’s heart and not He breaking mine; my life changed.  For the first time, I really began to understand just how tremendously God does love me and that He is more than enough. That was what led me to write the book "A Broken and Contrite Heart".  When I laid all my sins, my failures, my guilt, and my moments of faithlessness at His feet; His answer was "I love you."  When I had come to the end of my trying to work so hard to please Him and to earn His love, I began to learn how to let Him live in and through me.  He never needed me to earn His love, He loved me just as I was.  Through His love He was transforming me into the Princess He knew I could be if I only learned how to Abide in Him.

So, why do I tell you this story?  Because everyday I meet people who are hurting?  I see people struggling to find their way.  I see people with broken hearts searching for love in all the wrong places.  I see Christians who are carrying huge burdens of guilt that weigh them down.  Christ is standing there with open arms of love to heal them and to deliver them. 



Oh, let me Lord delight in You

And lay all else I hold aside

For no desire could mean as much

As hear Your voice, to feel your touch

And in Your arms abide


I feel the safety of your arms

Surrounding me throughout each storm

And when the bitter winter wind

Would bid my very spirit bend

Your breath will keep me warm


Forgive me Lord, this fragile heart

Sometimes desires too much

Forgetting You are all I need

Then comes my tears, my plead

To stop and feel Your touch


I then can hear your gentle laugh

The love within Your voice

“My child I love you evermore

My gifts on you I freely pour

The best for you my choice”


Oh, Lord I want to stay right here

And sit here at Your feet

To never step away from You

And then I cannot lose my view

No chance for fear, defeat


“But child I ask then who would go

To tell the wounded broken heart

That I their lonely heart would mend

If not but you, who can I send

If you refuse to start”


Then Father, Dear, I must say yes

To go and run Your bidding do

And You will cast aside my fears

Your hand will wipe away my tears

And keep my eyes on You


I know that You go with me now

You’re ever present in my heart

I feel Your joy arise within

I feel Your wondrous strength again

Your love will ne’er depart