Give me this Valley


I cried, Lord, please help me climb

This mountain so sublime

Full of health and wealth and fame

Surely there I’d praise your name

But I heard a whispering voice

Said, For you that’s not my choice

I want you in this valley deep

Where your joy my heart will keep

Lord, you can take that mountain high

And let me stay here by your side

In this valley filled with pain

Where I know you know my name

Give me a life where I might live

Dependent on the Grace you give

I’d rather be here by your side

Than on that great mountainside

Give me the faith and hope that’s yours

As Your spirit through me pours

To a world in need of you

Give me strength for them to view

Let me show the Glory of Your Hope

Far from that slippery slope

In the valley where you stand

Let me walk and hold Your hand

Though the Valley may be dark

You’re the light, my precious spark

You are all I need to know

Let me walk now here below

Give me the love of Your great smile

That casts aside my selfish guile

Remove my thoughts of self pity

Your heart to see clearly

You are the only one I need

For my soul you have freed

By the valley that You walked

To the cross where you were mawked

So let me walk this valley too

Where there your heart I knew

Keep your mountains filled with pride

Let me stay here at Your side.