Dios, Mi Padre (God, My Father)

English translation follows.  Spanish is certainly not my first language; so, it is my prayer that the message is clear.  For all my Hispanic family and friends, I wanted to give you this poem I wrote several years ago and ultimately rewrote this morning due to errors I found.

Dios, Mi Padre

By Effie Darlene Barba


Tu Eres Mi Gozo

Tu Eres mi fe

Tu eres mi fuerza,

Mi Padre, mi Rey


Usted me hizo Hermosa

me dio valor

Todo lo tengo

Debo a tu amor


Usted llene mi alma,

a causa de tu voluntad

Usted está siempre presente

en mi soledad


Por favor, abra mis ojos

por lo que me podría ver

¡No hay amor más grande

que he podido saber


En noches obscuras,

Tormentos de infiernos

yo Siento tus brazos

y En paz, puedo duermo


¿Qué le puedo dar por todo

lo que me habéis dado?

Te doy mi cuerpo, mi corazón y mi alma,

no tengo nada más a mi lado


God, my Father (English Translation)


You are My Joy

You are my faith

You are my strength,

my father, my King


You made me beautiful

And gave me

everything I have

I owe it to your love


You fill my soul

because of your will

you are ever present

in my solitude


Please open my eyes,

so that I can see

there is no greater love

that I could ever find.


in dark nights,

torments of hell

I feel your arms and in peace,

I am able to sleep


What can I give

for everything that you have given me?

I give you my body, my heart and my soul,

I have nothing more on my side

© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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