Come Before His Presence With Thanksgiving


95 O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.

2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.

Let us all come together to rejoice and sing to the rock of our salvation.  As I gaze back over all the years of my life, I can see the hand of God writing my life’s story.  There were many years of journeying through doubts, illness, financial distress and what the world might look upon and refer to as sorrows; yet, I see His mighty hand that guided this my journey so that the eyes of my heart might see Him more clearly.  He has provided for me each step of the way.  My greatest joy of all has been to see how He has touched and blessed each of my children and now their families.  I spent the last weekend at the book fair in Miami which God blessed miraculously by allowing me to meet some wonderful people.  Sarah (Ron’s wife went with me) and was a blessing throughout the weekend–what a joy to be with her.  Very soon little Haley will be born to round out their family.  Aiden is so adorable and my heart melts when I walk in and his arms reach up with a wonderful smile shouting "Grammy".  Earlier this month I got to go see my beautiful daughter Melissa, her husband Alex, and my granddaughter Natalie.  She is a true princess.  We had lost "turtle" (a little stuffed animal) and could not find him for over a 15 hour search.  So, Natalie and I prayed to find turtle and there he was, recovered and safe.  How amazing it is to watch the faith of a 3 year old blossom–God is so good.  Tomorrow, I fly out again and this time to see Alberto.  I am soooo excited to spend Thanksgiving with him and Lindsey (his sweet, beautiful fiancé) at her parents house.  They so graciously invited me to share in their Thanksgiving dinner.  So, yes; I am overwhelmingly blessed in this world.  Still the greatest blessing that I have is Christ.  He is my greatest treasure and paves the path.  That He would so graciously has provided for me the payment of all my sins that I might have this relationship with Him.  He shares with me His love, His joy, and one day His Glory.  That in itself is more wonderful than I could comprehend and then He has also given me these Melissa, Natalie, Alex, Alberto, Lindsey, Ron, Sarah, Aiden and soon Haley–Wow, my heart must overflow with a joyful noise. I do hope you listen to this thanksgiving song by Kristyn and Keith Getty

And let me share with you this poem I wrote to thank God for my children a few years ago. 

God’s Blessing to Me, My Children Three

I asked the Lord so long ago

To bless my soul, I didn’t know

He’d take me down to depths so low

Before I saw which way to go

His gift He gave in bundles three

That brought me tears and brought me glee

Each pain they felt a knife ripped me

So oft I fell on bended knee

Nearer now to setting sun

I see the truth of what He’s done

My daughter dear and my two sons

A gift of perfect love I’d won

Melissa, dear – a sweet sweet flower

Who serves with love – whatever hour

With grace and depth her love to shower

And to all near her strength empower

Alberto with bewitching smile

Bubbling joy he doth beguile

The world around to stay a while

To learn of Honor, Truth—his style

And Ron, my precious son doth stand

With justice, truth held in his hand

With mercy, love he doth command

A tower strong the winds withstand

So, as I looked upon these three

No greater gift could ever be

Such perfect love gave God to me

With thankful heart I shout with glee

He answered thus my soul’s great plea

He blessed me with these wondrous three

His Glory to shine for me to see

Their lives reflecting Him to me.