Can Wrong Application of Good Theology Actually Destroy Truth Sharing?

Good Theology

As we journey through this world, we are called upon first and foremost to be ambassadors for Christ.  Jesus said, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me (Matthew 16:24).  Furthermore, He told them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:15-16).  Yet, in a world broken by sin, how are we to help them believe?  How can we answer the question when tragedy strikes, “If God is good, how did He allow this?”  However, much theology we know, can wrong application of good theology destroy the sharing of truth in a manner which brings comfort, hope, and faith?  Will people come to believe by our testimony?

The book of Job brings to the forefront that very question.  How can a good God allow such suffering to befall one who is following Him?  It also presents a lot of good theology that is misused, misunderstood, and of no benefit in the situation at hand.  Usually, the case when we humans attempt to explain God from our own viewpoint.  This book also shows us how the approaches of Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar drove Job farther away from truth and God. 

  Some of these friend’s theology was true; however, their wrong application of good theology drove Job farther from the place he needed to be to see God clearly.  Let us attempt to learn from their mistakes, for I fear I fall into their pitfalls too often myself. Good theology must come with humility and grace as God gives.

Furthermore, there are moments of great revelations also noted in the book of Job by Job himself amid his despair. Revelations that pointed us to Jesus Christ.

Declarations Of True Faith

When all the tragedies first befell him, Job responded with words of true faith.  Although, he did not fully understand why, he did recognize that everything had been a gift from God.  Therefore, it was God’s to take as well.   

“Naked[cf] I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will return there.[cg] The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.[ch] May the name of the Lord[ci] be blessed!” 22 In all this Job did not sin, nor did he charge God with moral impropriety.    Job 1: 21-22

 Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast to your integrity? [c]Curse God and die!”10 But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.  Job 2:9-10

Yet, as the suffering continued, and all had forsaken him but these four friends who sat around him silent.  (For Elihu was present to listen to all the dissertation, though we know not when he arrived).  Did Job believe his faithfulness in the beginning would have gained a reprieve from the pain and suffering?  I know, I have believed that in the past, only to sink deeper into despair as the trial went on for a long time.  Was that Job? So, how did his good theology fall short of seeing God? Knowledge in the head does not always fill the heart with faith.

Falling into Deep Despair

In Job 3, he begins to speak of his despair, cursing the day he was born.  Listen to the depth of his anguish.   Yet, even in despair, he reveals glimpses of good theology, however with wrong application.

JOB 3 NET Why does God[bu] give[bv] light to one who is in misery,[bw]
and life to those[bx] whose soul is bitter,
21 to[by] those who wait[bz] for death that[ca] does not come,
and search for it[cb]
more than for hidden treasures,
22 who rejoice[cc] even to jubilation,[cd]
and are exultant[ce] when[cf] they find the grave?[cg]

23 Why is light given[ch] to a man[ci]
whose way is hidden,[cj]
and whom God has hedged in?[ck]
24 For my sighing comes in place of[cl] my food,[cm]
and my groanings[cn] flow forth like water.[co]
25 For the very thing I dreaded[cp] has happened[cq] to me,
and what I feared has come upon me.[cr]
26 I have no ease,[cs] I have no quietness;
I cannot rest;[ct] turmoil has come upon me.”[cu]

Note that he said, “Why is light given to a man whose way is hidden.  And whom God has hedged in?”  Job 3:23 

Here Job referenced being hedged in by God as something terrible.   However, note Satan had said in chapter one that Job was good only because God had placed a hedge around him.  He was hedged in by God’s wall of protection. 

David wrote in Psalms 139:4-6.

 For there is not a word on my tongue,
But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.
You have [a]hedged me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is high, I cannot attain it.

What Job could not see was that God’s ultimate hedge of protection was ever present and God would bring an end to the suffering at the right moment in time.  God had a perfect plan, even when Job could not see.  For God knows all and sees the end at the same time as the beginning.  His goodness remains steadfast with mercy and grace beyond measure, while still remaining just and righteous in all that he does. 

8“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.  Isaiah 55

Wrong application of good theology.

When his friends were accusing him of doing wrong, he answered,

Job 9:

“Truly I know it is so,
But how can a man be righteous before God?
If one wished to [a]contend with Him,
He could not answer Him one time out of a thousand.
God is wise in heart and mighty in strength.
Who has hardened himself against Him and prospered?

Yet, as time goes on and more accusations are raised by his friends against him, Job falters further from truth. Pride and self-defense begin to take their place in causing Jobs downward spiral away from truth.     

Job 13:

“Behold, my eye has seen all this,
My ear has heard and understood it.
What you know, I also know;
am not inferior to you.
But I would speak to the Almighty,
And I desire to reason with God.
But you forgers of lies,
You are all worthless physicians.
Oh, that you would be silent,
And it would be your wisdom!

All of this was true. It was Good Theology; however, Job’s heart was drifting into self focus, not God focus.

Yet, Even When Faltering, Job’s faith shown through at times.

Job 13: 15 Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.
Even so, I will defend my own ways before Him.
16 He also shall be my salvation,
For a hypocrite could not come before Him.

Job 19:

25 For I know that my Redeemer lives,
And He shall stand at last on the earth;
26 And after my skin is [f]destroyed, this I know,
That in my flesh I shall see God,
27 Whom I shall see for myself,
And my eyes shall behold, and not another.

Job is overwhelmed with grief, and all he hears from these friends is that this must be his fault and his sin that has caused this.  This shows their lack of understanding as to whom God really is and how He shows Himself to His people. 

Amazing Grace, Job nearly saw down a corridor of time, proclaiming the truth of His redeemer who lives.  Jesus Christ is that redeemer and the mediator that Job had asked for in

ELIPHAZ-Good Theology? Wrong Application

Bases his ideas on “observation” and what he believes is spiritual illumination.

JOB 4:

“Remember now, who ever perished being innocent?
Or where were the upright ever cut off?
Even as I have seen,
Those who plow iniquity
And sow trouble reap the same.
By the blast of God they perish,
And by the breath of His anger they are consumed.
10 The roaring of the lion,
The voice of the fierce lion,
And the teeth of the young lions are broken.
11 The old lion perishes for lack of prey,
And the cubs of the lioness are scattered.

12 “Now a word was secretly brought to me,
And my ear received a whisper of it.
13 In disquieting thoughts from the visions of the night,
When deep sleep falls on men,
14 Fear came upon me, and trembling,
Which made all my bones shake.
15 Then a spirit passed before my face;
The hair on my body stood up.

16 It stood still,
But I could not discern its appearance.
A form was before my eyes;
There was silence;
Then I heard a voice saying:
17 ‘Can a mortal be more righteous than God?
Can a man be more pure than his Maker?
18 If He puts no trust in His servants,
If He charges His angels with error,
19 How much more those who dwell in houses of clay,
Whose foundation is in the dust,
Who are crushed before a moth?

Job 5:8 “But as for me, I would seek God,
And to God I would commit my cause—

In other words, if it were me, I would seek God as though Job was not.

Note:  So self-absorbed, Eliphaz spoke with a wrong application of good theology which drove Job away from the truth. 

   BILDAD- Good Theology blended with human thought

Spoke with the wisdom of humanity, calling upon the ancient ideas of traditional thought. 

Job 8:

“How long will you speak these things,
And the words of your mouth be like a strong wind?
Does God subvert judgment?
Or does the Almighty pervert justice?
If your sons have sinned against Him,
He has cast them away [a]for their transgression.
If you would earnestly seek God
And make your supplication to the Almighty,
If you were pure and upright,
Surely now He would [b]awake for you,
And prosper your rightful dwelling place.

“For inquire now of the former[w] generation,

and pay attention[x] to the findings[y]
of their ancestors;[z]
For we were born yesterday[aa] and do not have knowledge,
since our days on earth are but a shadow.[ab]
10 Will they not[ac] instruct you and[ad] speak to you,
and bring forth words[ae]
from their understanding?[af]

The wisdom of man can never answer the whys of this universe.  Once more the wrong application of good theology blended with bad cannot help Job find the truth. 

 ZOPHAR-Good Theology? Maybe but wrongly used

Legalist and formalist—he had a certain amount of truth but had no right sense of God’s character at all.  He is the one who essentially says, “You must listen to me and do it my way or I’m done with you!”  Probably you have met some people like this.  Despite their own lack of understanding, they are so certain of themselves.  If anyone dares to disagree with them, their anger and scorn rises forth. 

Job 11:

Zophar says:

 “Should not the multitude of words be answered?
And should [a]a man full of talk be vindicated?
Should your empty talk make men [b]hold their peace?
And when you mock, should no one rebuke you?
For you have said,
‘My doctrine is pure,
And I am clean in your eyes.’
But oh, that God would speak,
And open His lips against you,
That He would show you the secrets of wisdom!
For they would double your prudence.
Know therefore that God [c]exacts from you
Less than your iniquity deserves.

It is true that Job was not perfect, nor did he have perfect understanding of God.  Yet, Zophar’s dogmatic application of legalism drove Job only to anger, which could not lead him to God. 

Elihu—we will look at next week with more details as to how to guide someone who is hurting.  May we learn to be true comforters who do not use wrong application of good theology. 

Finally on the scene of Job arrives one who speaks truth about God and prepares the way for Job to hear the voice of God speak to him. 


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. There is nothing more important than this; because He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2021
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