
Over the past few weeks, the focus of my writing was to fully describe our place within this universe with promise: laying the foundation for living a life Amazed by Joy, undaunted by the storms of this world.  Now, I will turn to the second truth that is paramount in living a life of victory through any circumstance with steadfast joy in your heart: that is knowing your purpose: the purpose for which you were created.

One’s purpose is certainly debated within the ranks of psychological discussions. Ideas range from believing that your purpose is to achieve your best self to achieving your best contribution to society.  Yet, what is my best self? Or with so many worldviews, how does one know what best contribution could be to society?  The far right to far left ideologies both believe that they are the only ones who know this answer; but, do either really know the true purpose for your life or mine? Could it be that our purpose is quite different than either of these? Perhaps, we were created for a purpose with little to do with doing; but, rather with receiving.


Most of my life, when I heard a Christian answer the question, “What is your purpose in life?”  Quickly, the Christian would stretch high their posture to boldly declare, “I was born to bring God Glory!”  Sounded good.  Certainly, I believed; at first.  If everything I did was to “bring God Glory, I would try harder–press on to do just that.”  However, the harder I tried; the more I realized; there was nothing inside of me that could ever bring one iota of Glory to an Infinitely Glorious God.  I had no Glory, no righteousness of my own.  My stumbling feet and stuttering speech could not in my strength ever bring Glory to God.  If anything; instead, I brought Him shame when my stubborn voice shouted in anger at another, or I jealously desired what others had, or doubted the very one who gave me life itself!

What a depressing thought!  If my purpose in life was to “bring Glory to God”; then, I can never achieve that on my own.  There is nothing I can do which could make God more Glorious than He already IS.  Remember truth #1?  God IS.  So, what possibly could be my purpose in this world?  I pondered that thought many years, until, one day I read John Chapter 17.  The prayer Jesus prayed as He walked along the path toward the Garden of Gethsemane explains our purpose.  Therein, I discovered that my purpose in life was to be a receptacle of God’s Love, God’s Joy, and God’s Glory.  It had very little to do with me and everything to do with HIM.


When I begin to understand the purpose of my life from God’s viewpoint; then, I learn to sit at His feet, in His presence to receive all that I need to face every obstacle that lies before me.  When my purpose changes from my accomplishments to His accomplishments through me; then, I forcibly lay aside all pride and all selfish desires for personal Glory or fame.  My prayer becomes, “God, Your Will, Nothing More, Nothing Less and Nothing Else.”   Furthermore, when I realize I was created that God might shower upon me His Love, His Joy and pour forth over me His Glory; then, I see the circumstances of this world in a different light.

So, as we begin this journey to explore our purpose on earth; let us stop, for a moment and pray that God enlighten our hearts and minds to His truth.  I need a God focus; rather than a me focus.

Beginning with accepting God’s Gift of Salvation as provided by His Son, I need a new transformed heart that sees my purpose as relative to God’s Purpose for me.

ISAIAH 14:24,26,27

The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand. This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations. For the Lord of hosts hath purposed, and who shall dis annul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?


In a world so filled with ideas; how can I really know my purpose. Is it becoming the most of who I am or the receptacle for God’s Purpose?

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[tweetthis]What if my true purpose was to be a receptacle of God’s love joy & Glory?[/tweetthis]


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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

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