How Can Perfect Love Be Rejected So Easily?

A Perfect Love Rejected

Have you ever loved someone dearly with all your heart, only to have that love rejected? The desperate agonizing feeling when you come to realize the truth, the nauseating sensation in the pit of your stomach, and the despair that follows; all because they did not see or accept your gift of love.  You would have sacrificed anything, just to make them happy; but, alas, they turned their back and walked away.  Or perhaps a friend, a parent, or even a child; who despite the love you poured out upon them, returned disdain and spewed hate toward you instead.  Imagine this, God created the world and humanity that He might lavish His love upon a people; instead, the vast majority have turned their backs upon that love, spewed hate filled words, sought after other loves, and rejected the greatest gift that He could give-eternity in the presence of perfect love.

God created the heavens and earth, with all that therein lies to shower His love upon a people.  He created us with a body, soul, and spirit with which we could feel the emotional impact of love and joy.  We could see splendor, beauty and the exuberance of Glory.  His Divine Purpose was to shower us with love, fill us with His joy, and to share with us His Glory.  Yet, for us to experience the fullness of His Glorious Being, we were given choice.  Just as I cannot know the splendor of light, without having experienced darkness; neither can I understand God’s perfect Righteousness or Justice, without having seen the absence.  Perhaps, Adam had not fully realized what he had; until, it was gone. Adam had walked each day in the garden with God.  He had God’s love lavished upon him.  Never had Adam been without joy!


That fate filled day, Adam chose to reject the truth of God.  Thusly, Adam rejected God’s gift of love.  Instead, he chose to eat from the one tree that God had commanded him to not eat; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Until that moment, Adam had never known of evil. Perhaps, he could not understand the depth of love, nor righteousness that God IS; until that moment that he rejected and lost the spiritual union with God.

Despite the slap in the face of rejection, God’s plan would march on toward providing a way that all who would accept His gift of love; could find perfect peace, joy, and hope in Him.  Even before the earth was formed, God knew the choice Adam would make and God loved you and I enough to endure millenniums of hate; so that you and I might be recipients of His love, joy and glory.

Imagine this!  God loves you so much; that He gave everything, just for you to have a chance to enjoy His pleasures for an eternity with Him.  Still, so often; we go about life as discontented brides seeking other lovers to fulfill us; never recognizing that we have all that we could ever need in Him.

The Story of Hosea

Hosea, a prophet of God; married an adulteress woman.  God ordained that Hosea would love with a perfect love this woman; despite her constant adulteress affairs.  At one point in the story, she leaves him to care for the children alone.  Yet, he loves her so much that when she is completely destitute from her life of prostitution; he gently brings her home to provide and care for her every need.  This story illustrated the love God has for His people.  The prophet Hosea lived the agonizing pain of being rejected by the woman he loved, so that, he fully understood and passionately told the nation of Israel of God’s love.  This was indeed a picture of God’s love for His people.

This story was to the Israelite nation; but, the same is true for all the inhabitants of this earth.  All are given the choice to receive God’s love or to reject it.Christ came to this earth to seal the promise.  Those in the old testament believed in His coming to redeem the world and we look back to His finished work.  Both, are given the opportunity to either receive or reject that love.  To all who will, God declares:

And I will betroth thee unto me forever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies. I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the Lord. Hosea 2:19-20


When you fully the depth, breadth, and height of God’s love for you; how, can you still reject it?  Yet, so many do just that.  If you understand the truth that God loves you with an everlasting love, why would you ever feel depressed or sad?  Knowing that God IS Sovereign and He loves you with a perfect love, how could you not trust Him with every detail of your life?

The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. Jeremiah 31:3

Just as Jesus wept over Jerusalem, so does He weep over everyone of you who have rejected His call.

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not! Luke 13:34


[tweetthis]God loves you with a pure & perfect love Have you rejected His love today?[/tweetthis]

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[tweetthis]How often have I caused Jesus to weep by seeking other loves?[/tweetthis]

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

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