By Grace, In Faith Alone I Stand

Romans 5: Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;

4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope:

5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Our justification is by faith, our endurance is by faith, and we are able to stand because of faith.  The true question in the Christian walk is do I believe what God has promised.  Do I really believe that He loves me and that He has the perfect plan for my life?  Do I really believe that He intends for me to share in His love, His joy and His glory or do I doubt His sincerity?  I daresay that any time I have fallen short of that Glory it has been because I really did not believe these truths deep in my heart.  If I did then why would I try to manipulate my circumstances or seek after anything other than Him?  He has taken the responsibility for not only my salvation, my justification; but also, my sanctification.  His purpose is to make me look more like Christ so that I can be presented before Him as a bride without blemish.  If you really love someone you cannot just leave them satisfied with only half truths; but, rather you ever so gently coax them into becoming the best that they can be.  Much like a baby who has learned to crawl and then with gentleness and guidance you help him to begin to walk.  Would you want to have him only crawl for the rest of his life and miss out on those things which he can discover through walking?   Our ability to Stand Firm is based wholly upon Grace. By that I do not wish you to imagine something soft and fragile; but rather this comes with the Mighty Power of A God who spoke the Galaxies into being with one breath. Grace reigns through Jesus with Power, Authority and Dominion over the entire Universe. That is the power that makes you stand and keeps you standing, and stand you will even in your weakest moments because God Himself is holding you there. Romans 14: “4Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.”

Because of all of this, “rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”  Would there be any reason left not to be joyous.  He saved me, He sealed me and He will finish the work of transforming me into the image of Christ.  I must rejoice in the hope that I will look like Christ.  Maybe not today, but I will one day look like Him in all His Glory.  That hope should be enough to keep me rejoicing through whatever trial or tribulation may come my way; knowing that God is working out my perfecting and He only has my best interest at heart.  Our faith which is anchored in Jesus Christ is not only for what He has already done but that this Sovereign, Omnipotent, Omniscient Savior is steady about the work of imparting His Glory to me.  I see glimpses of that Glory, little changes and transformations that are forever presenting themselves in me.  I, like Paul, have not yet obtained it; yet, I look more like Him today than I did 10 years ago or 20 years ago.  He will complete the work He started in me by His power and might, Hallelujah, Amen.

The Grace in Which I Stand

Oh feeble heart, Oh fragile soul

Where is the hope on which you hold

With all the failures of your past

Where is the faith to make you bold

Where is the faith to make you bold

There was a King though blameless He

That came to pay my penalty

And in that act He set me free

To follow Him in liberty

To follow Him in liberty

It is His love that drew me out

And in His Grace I shall not doubt

That He who started this work in me

Will finish it with a Glorious Shout

Will finish it with a Glorious Shout

One day the finished work be done

That I might look then like God’s son

Sifted, shined just like pure Gold

As Glory shines forth, Glorious One

As Glory shines forth, Glorious One

And in this hope my faith conformed

I know my life will be transformed

I stand upon this future grace

So for His work my passion warmed

So for His work my passion warmed

So in this faith I firmly stand

That formed in me as God had planned

No force on earth can shake me free

My future held by God’s great hand

My future held by God’s great hand.