Because Of The Lies, The Truth Has Been Blurred

Because of the lies truth Has been blurred
Because Of The Lies, The Truth Has Been Blurred

I awoke from my sleep in the darkness of night

Where shadows obscured a flickering light

I wondered, Dear Father, how can it be

Darkness engulfing my beloved country

I heard the lies swirling inside my head

Which forced me to leave my comfortable bed

I fell to my knees and pleaded to find

God’s truth and His spirit filling my mind

For Jesus, my Righteous and Sovereign King

Is the only one who can make my heart sing

The voices of many were not being heard

Because of the lies, the truth has been blurred

With joy and delight, so many had gone

For the love of this country they had been drawn

With voices of patriots, proud there to be

Wanting the world finally to see

All that the media hid there from our sight

The evil unveiled, truth brought into light

So, how was it that such chaos ensued

For certainly then, the truth would be skewed

Each Patriot knew this was not the way

To have  voices heard on this fate-filled day

What were the forces who bid them go in

Knowing this was not how to win?

So, millions of voices never were heard

Because of the lies the truth has been blurred

Yet, still there it is, the hypocrisy

Where wrong is called right, while right cannot be

Where justice is skewed, where evil does win

Oh, where are you Lord, our cry from within

And yet, my Dear Father, I know of Your love

You rule over all from Your throne above

I know there are times, you allow what you hate

To accomplish Your plan with patience you wait

So, even when I do not understand

I will trust in the One who has everything planned

You’ve seen every tear and heard all the cries

While Your Gospel truth is distorted with lies

So many voices of babies never were heard

Because of the lies the truth has been blurred

Then I watched as a man with sadness depart

While knowing in truth, he had done his part

To stand for the truth to give voice to all

The forgotten, the lost and then most of all

To restore all the freedoms that had been lost

He did it all at such personal cost

Yet, Lord I do plead that you help him to see

That this is the plan, that really must be

Though it may appear that evil does win

You are revealing the truth of our evil and sin

So we may repent and bow before You

As the ending of time comes into view

Though so many voices are never heard

Because of the lies the truth has been blurred

This human race You made us to be

Moral and rational with choice to see

Able to love or even say no

Choosing our own selfish ego

Or thinking ourselves as higher still

Than even God, ignoring His will

Denying Him who gave us life

Choosing instead our evil and strife

While denying His love and His Precious grace

And even at times we have spit in His face

Closing our minds, God’s word is not heard

Because of the lies the truth has been blurred

So help me dear Lord, your truth to see

Your love, Your Grace, and Your victory

Open my heart to then understand

How all of this, when held in Your hand

Will shine forth Your Glory, Your precious Grace

That even more people will seek Your face

So, with patience Dear Father help me to wait

My destiny knowing You are my fate

And  return to my bed with heart full of  peace

All of the fears and sorrows now cease

Filled with Your Joy, Your Word I have heard

No more the lies, Your Truth never blurred

Yet, soon comes the day, when all this is done

Heaven’s door will swing wide, presenting Your SON

He is coming again bringing justice to all

The rich and the poor, the big and the small

All that we’ve seen of evil this year

Should cause us to gaze long into a mirror

Where there we might see our sin and our hate

Before we do reach our final fate

Looking deep in our heart, let us repent of our sin

Then look to the cross for cleansing within

Where there on that cross Your son bled and died

That sinners like I might be justified

There at the cross our voices are heard

Never again by the lies will Your Truth be blurred.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. There is nothing more important than this; because He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.

For Prayer or Comments

If you have a prayer request feel free to email me by clicking here

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Poetry Books Available

If you enjoyed this poem perhaps you would like to read more of my poetry in my newest book which can be found on Amazon


When I Feel So Lost, Alone-A Poem


©Effie Darlene Barba, 2021
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. Furthermore, I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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