Awaken, Awaken, O Heart of Mine

As the New Year began and I reflect back over my life, let me always be filled with awe and wonder at all the marvelous blessings I have been given.  In the midst of sorrow—I found joy.  In the darkest moments of illness—I found life.  In the deepest moments of loneliness—I found God’s love within me. Never take for granted a single moment of blessing or an opportunity to show kindness or mercy from a heart that has been awakened to life.  Don’t expect too much or your expectations will steal from the blessing. Never take for granted tomorrow—it may not be there.  Live your life with an outpouring of the joy, love, and peace.  Remember God gave you this moment—so make it special.

awaken poem


Awaken, Awaken O heart of mine

Today has arrived—so rare and so fine

Joyously rise—Your Spirit to shine

The love, hope and peace-God’s gift so Divine

Rise from the ashes that once was your bed

Now filled with such blessings to sprinkle and shed

Upon those so wearied by sorrow and dread

To meadows of hope where they need to be lead

Yesterday’s sorrow has proven your friend

Now you have love overflowing to lend

To each who would need a hand to ascend

Or grasp while awaiting their heart to mend

Life you were given to strive for much more

Than selfish attainment-silver galore

It’s giving of kindness you were made for

And helping another to find the right door

When memories allure your life now to trace

The good and the bad in the midst of that place

You’ll then see a glimpse of glory and grace

From God’s precious hand and his loving face


Awaken, Awaken O heart of mine

Today has arrived—so rare and so fine

Joyously rise—Your Spirit to shine

The love, hope and peace-God’s gift so Divine


© 2015 Effie Darlene Barba

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