Apology for Today


I must apologize that I have not been able to continue the next step of the series yesterday or today; but, I hope I will be able to continue by Monday. After all the years of illness in the past, I had been given a long reprieve of remarkable health. Perhaps, I had grown a little proud by my having always faced pain and continuing on. Then this year, one day I had to go to bed due to a sudden abdominal pain; but it eased with massaging and manipulating the bowels, then came shingles which wasn’t so bad. Suddenly then Thursday afternoon I developed severe abdominal pain, nausea and profuse diarrhea. Suddenly, I realized how fragile even my faith really is at times. This pain doesn’t seem to want to leave, along with the weakness and I have been brought to my knees. More than the pain and weakness I recognize that when we are in the midst of suffering it is so hard to be grateful as I should be. I tend to become so self-absorbed and want to pout. Why Lord? Why now? Yet, even this is part of His Sovereign plan for today. So let me share with you this word from

Joni Eareackson Tada

I have so much left to learn of God’s Grace, Love and Sovereignty.  I need to remember that even though when I am sick I feel so all alone—I am not alone.  He is right there beside me.

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

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