An Answered Prayer

I Chronicles 4: 9 And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow.

10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.

The name Jabez means born in pain and sorrow; yet, the man bearing this name loved God.  We know nothing more of Jabez than these two verses.  He was a virtual no body; much like many of us feel.  His mother named him "born in pain and sorrow"; wow not the most endearing name that one could be given.  Yet, his name became recorded in scripture and his legacy is one prayer that was answered.  Yesterday, I happened to go in search of another scripture in Chronicles and my memory lapse led me not to the verse I had heard on the broadcast yesterday morning; but rather to this verse.  As I read it I realized that this too was the desire of my heart.  I write the books I have written, write these emails, and post to my website with one purpose–that is to proclaim the name of Christ to the world.  My greatest desire is that His message continue to go out to the world and that "my coast is enlarged" by an ever increasing number of readers who are encouraged in their Christian walk or those who come to know God and the salvation He offers through Christ’s atonement for our sins.  All of the money spent and all of the effort worth it if one person’s eternity is changed.  I pray that His hand guide me; providing the wisdom I need to continue to write.  I pray that He keep me from evil because the most important thing is that I want to be always guided by Him so that I might be always doctrinally sound. My greatest trepidation would be to ever misinterpret or misrepresent God’s word.  I do not want to ever dishonor Him by my writing or by my life.  I pray that He would bind this covetous heart so that it cannot bring Him shame; though there are times that I still stand in wondrous awe that He could ever have chosen me.    How wondrous is our God and with a sense of humor as well.  I prayed this prayer yesterday morning for those ministries which He has placed in my keeping and that perhaps He will move me into opportunities to speak for Him as well.  So off to work I ran and suddenly became so overwhelmed with consults that for a weekend total Dr. N. Bajaj and I had 38 consults plus 20 to 30 follow ups, 16 Nuclear Stresses and too many echos to count.  Guess that was God’s way of saying, "Don’t worry I’ve got this.  I can multiply your numbers at work, provide you grace to get it done, and if I can do that, I can expand and protect the ministries I have entrusted to you"  I have before asked God to make me a Joseph at work so that everyone in my company would know that God is Able to provide blessing even through His most unlikely servant–as my doctor and I finally finished at 9:30 last night, I praised God for His Omnipotence and Grace while thanking Him for this incredible doctor that I work with. 

Added note, this morning bright and early I left to go to Ron’s house to watch my grandson, Aiden, while Sarah (my Daughter in law) goes to the hospital to give birth to Haley Elise Barba.  What an incredible God I serve.  I praise God for who He is as the words of this song say so well. Let us praise Him today and forever worship Him for who He is, the Giver of life, hope, joy, peace, and Glory by His presence and Grace.