A Soldier Wounded-Restored

Yesterday, so much was happening and so much I needed to accomplish; thoughts whirling through my mind as I gazed ahead at the mountains in my pathway.  There still stung within me the pain of their accusations flung deep into my heart, the sorrow of such labors forgotten, the uncertainties of the future, painful steps that must be confronted, financial uncertainties, and in the midst, one wonders–God, does any of it matter?  Have I done enough to testify of you or is it my failure that has led us here to this moment of trial?  I had been listening to Christian music all morning; but, then in the whirlwind of my mind–knowing I was going to receive an important phone call–I sat down quietly listening to God’s voice.  I listened to a song–"I Cannot Hide From You" over and over, as I remembered He knows everything about me; every time fear would grip my heart, every moment that I would doubt, and every time that I just needed to sit down and rest a moment looking into His Face of Love that I might get up, go out to do His bidding once more and face the future He has planned without any fear or doubt-knowing He knows what is best, no matter what.    

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IyaS-vy-Hs I Cannot Hide From You

The phone call came and I believe went well.  Hope rose within me; yet, my hope was not in the phone call.  My hope lay in the Creator of this Universe, who loves me and cares about every intricate detail of my life.  When I am wounded, He is there to comfort.  He never promised that we would have everything or that we would never be falsely accused; but He did promise to be with us, to guide us, to comfort us and that He would work all things together for our good.   Even Paul underwent the pain of being accused by those in Corinth that he had led to Christ and has taught.  1 Corinthians 4: 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man’s judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self.4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord.

5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.

Then, while going through some mail that had been tossed into a corner–I found a royalty check from books sold.  Nothing big; just a token reminder of my Father saying, "All you do for me does matter, I see it, and I love you."  I continued my work late until my body ached; but with hope.  I listened to Truth for Life’s podcast and Leading the Ways podcast while I worked.  Of course, both had sermons on exactly what I needed to hear.  I awoke with God’s joy and hope overflowing once more.  As I studied in search of message this morning I wasn’t certain what I wanted to tell you.  After reading 1 Corinthians, praying, and listening for God to speak; I then started working on a very important passage of scripture in 2 Corinthians; then I realized I needed to spend much more time in it’s development in order to proclaim its truth with clarity.  Since I still wanted to give you something, I went to my word document in search of a previously written poem.  Then I saw this poem which I don’t even know when I wrote; but, I wanted to share it with you.  Maybe you are the one I am writing for today. My prayer is that you are encouraged no matter what are the mountains you face.

A Soldier Wounded

A Soldier wounded in the fight

Oh Lord I need your strength, Your might

I need to go, a place to hide

That draws me closer to Your side

This battle lord has knocked me down

Until it’s hard to glimpse Your crown

With evil pushing all around

I dearly need Your solace found

That I might rise again to fight

With vision of the brilliant light

Of your great glory in the end

Oh  that your love I might defend

Within this world, pain doth abound

I need your word my mind surround

Until I cannot hear their voice

So I might know what is your choice

Oh Lord, I lay my sword tonight

And pray for strength tomorrow’s light

That I might stand once more for you

With Christ’s dear love my only view

So hold me tight within your arms

And keep me safe from all that harm

My tears may fall against your chest

As I recall in You I rest.