A Soldier Wounded

Most Saturdays, I try to give you a new poem; however, some weeks I go back and pull from my own archives.   Tonight, I have chosen this poem from my archives.

In this world, there are so many frustrations, trials, pressures, illness, and stresses that at times we are wounded.  Sometimes our hearts are broken, sometimes we feel that we are the targets of unhappy people’s darts, sometimes we are frustrated with ourselves, and sometimes we find ourselves battling illness.  We may know who we are in Christ and recognize that He is our source of love, joy, hope, faith, and righteousness; yet, we are wounded by the sadness and pain we see all around us.  Those are the moments we must withdraw and spend a moment alone with God so that we might be restored. Never let the trials steal your Joy in Him.  Hope you enjoy this poem.

A Soldier Wounded

by Effie Darlene Barba


A Soldier wounded in the fight

Oh Lord I need Your strength, Your might

I need to go, a place to hide

That draws me closer to Your side


This battle Lord has knocked me down

Until it’s hard to glimpse Your crown

With evil pushing all around

I dearly need Your solace found


That I might rise again to fight

With vision of the brilliant light

Of your great glory in the end

Oh that your love I might defend


Within this world, pain doth abound

I need your word my mind surround

Until I cannot hear their voice

So I might know what is your choice


I must lay down my sword tonight

And pray for strength tomorrow’s light

That I might stand once more for you

With Christ’s dear love my only view


So hold me tight within your arms

And keep me safe from all that harms

My tears may fall against your chest

As I recall Your will is best.

© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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