A Pilgrim’s Fight for Joy

Swept Away by Grace-A Study in I Peter (conclusion)-A Pilgrim’s Fight for Joy

The entire book of I Peter was written to the early Christians preparing them for the battles they would need to face; because Peter knew all too well that to proclaim to be a follower of Christ would mean imprisonment, ridicule, torture and death. He had watched as they had beaten, tortured, and hung his Savior on the Cross; yet, he had seen the risen Christ. Peter had glimpsed upon Glory, had been washed by the fountains of God’s love, had tasted the sweet joy that can only come from a relationship with the Creator of our hearts, and had been swept away by the magnitude of Grace which had been bestowed upon him.

fighting for joy

In this Christian Pilgrimage Journey, from the world’s point of view, we too may face a life of trials, tribulations, persecutions and suffering. Yet, in the midst of what the world may consider to be suffering; a mist of glory arises out of our tears which abounds into bubbling streams of love, hope and joy as our faith arises out of the ashes of our fears when we focus on Christ as our greatest treasure-seeking and savoring Him above all else.  Our joy is not based on our circumstances. It is grounded firm in a relationship to Christ—a love story above all love stories.

That is what Peter urged the early Christians to understand. There is a battle that we

must fight to hold onto our joy in Christ when tragedies, trials, temptations, and persecutions come our way. Yet, that battle was already won by Christ. Our victory for joy was secured by Christ, when He arose from the grave giving to all who would believe new life—abundant life. Is that not what Jesus said in John 16: 33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

You might say; but, how do I do that? How do I fight for Joy in the midst of everything that I am facing? There are remembrances that will guide you to hold fast in that Joy.

1. Remember that this is but a pilgrimage journey. This is not your final destination—you are a stranger in this world. This entire lifetime is but a blink of the eye compared to eternity. An entire lifetime of suffering here is nothing when one sees it in the light of an eternity in the presence of perfect joy. Why do you think Paul says the whole earth travaileth in labor awaiting that day? Labor pains are so quickly forgotten when the fruits of that labor are laid within your arms—when love and joy beyond measure are known. (Romans 8:22)

2. Remember that Christ is our greatest treasure—nothing else and no one else can fill our hearts with so much joy and so much love as He can. He can satisfy every longing of our hearts and heal our broken hearts. (Psalm 147:3)

3. Remember who you are in Christ. For in Christ, you are His chosen, beloved, redeemed, sanctified, child of the Most High God, heir of the Kingdom, filled by His faith and risen to new life. Wow—knowing that what in this world could ever make you sad. (Ephesians 1-3)

4. Remember to keep your focus on Christ—as you keep your eyes on Him, the Holy Spirit transforms you into His likeness. 2 Corinthians 3: “17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” One day, I will look like Him in all His beauty. My cry is: “Whatever it takes, dear Lord; do it that I might be like Christ.” Oh, that I would never take my focus off of Him and that my life be that of seeking and savoring Him as my greatest joy and my greatest treasure.

Watch this video and listen very closely to it’s words.  All I have is Christ.  When I consider all that Christ has done for me despite this selfish, self-exalting heart; how, could I ever thank Him enough for all that He has done for me.  His love has taken, molded and transformed this heart into one that can be filled with His love, His Hope, and His Joy Overflowing.   The very least I can do is to say thank you to Him with each and my life-song filled with joy, thanksgiving, and praise.


©2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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