Swept Away by Grace—A Study in I Peter (part 19)—A Joy in the Journey

I Peter 4: 12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: 13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

Peter throughout this epistle has reminded us of the magnificent Grace we have been given. He wants us to understand the magnitude of what Christ did for us. He urges each of us to remember and to stand upon all the promises of God. He certainly did not try to preach some prosperity gospel that those who follow Christ would have no trials. Indeed, he keeps reminding us that there will most likely be more trials. There will be tribulations, sorrows, pains, rejections, and fiery trials of our faith; but, therein he reminds us to rejoice. How? By remembering Christ and all the promises of God which are fulfilled in Him.

rainbow promises

Our rejoicing begins with this—every promise of God is yes in Jesus Christ. Every promise is Amen to the Glory of God. If every promise of God is yes in Jesus Christ, do you not believe the truth that “all things work together for good to those who love God” (Romans 8:28). Joy is mine because the creator of the universe, calls me friend. He has chosen me to be His beloved child.


All the day to day trivialities become nothing when we see it in the light of who we are in Christ. He bore all of our iniquities on the cross.  He took upon Himself all our shame and He stands with His mighty protective bow covering us with His love.  Remember who He is. Make a list of God’s mighty promises and remember that those promises are “Yes” in Christ Jesus. Promises to guide us, promises to protect us, promises to love us unconditionally through the blood of Christ, promises to redeem us, promises to provide all that we need, promise of His Joy within us, and promises to forever be with us are all true because of the sacrificial gift of Christ on the cross.  Do you know Him as Your Savior? If so, then rejoice—He is the Amen of your life and nothing can touch you but He ordains it and if He ordains it, His love will turn it all for your good. Yet, a little while and whatever sorrow you may be feeling now will be turned into exceeding joy as His Glory and Joy are fulfilled in You. Just remember all He did to prove His love for you, rise up from whatever ashes you are in and keep putting one foot in front of the other as He guides you into a greater, more glorious relationship with Himself.

Listen to this song sung by Michael Card and let it fill you with hope and joy–  Joy in the Journey

©2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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