6 Lessons for Peace filled Patience

Fearless Faith and Awestruck Joy-6 Lessons for Peace filled Patience

Along this journey of life, we all too often want our reward to be visible now. At least that has been true in my case. I take one step of obedience and then, I with great anticipation wait for God to pour forth great visible rewards; as though, I deserved a prize for doing the very thing which love and gratitude demanded after all He had done to purchase my salvation. Why is it that I or we lose sight of the truth so easily and want to believe it is all about today; instead, of just clinging to the truth that God is working out the best plan formulated by His loving hands for me? We tend to look around us and compare our obedience with others—(of course we give ourselves a star for our own performance). When we do that we may see that someone else appears to be being rewarded more and we pout. “Haven’t I been generous, then where are my overflowing baskets?” “I stepped out in faith when you asked me to write, Lord. Why are none of my books best sellers, yet?” It has taken me years to realize, my baskets that are overflowing may never be on this earth—they are awaiting me in heaven and the writing? Oh, yes; I write to God for Him—if one person is helped along this journey or one person is lead to Christ then God has used me with all my faults to display His Glory. That is in itself a humbling act of God’s grace. There was a time that I asked God if we could just skip the lesson on patience because I just was never going to get it; but, He knew that it was a lesson that was necessary for me to live a life overwhelmed by awestruck joy in Him and fearless faith to face the trials of the pilgrimage journey. He never gave up and patiently, gently taught me along the way.

mountaintop-experiences-in-the-valley-ronald-barbapicture used by permission of Ronald Barba the artist.  For information regarding his art go to http://www.barba-art.com

God taught Abraham about patience and through that taught Abram about faith and joy. He called Abram out unto the land—then came famine, fighting with cousin, the large armies, and the barrenness of Sarah—his wife. Abraham, much like us, at times grew impatient and wanted to know “How, Lord are you going to accomplish this and where are the rewards you promised?” Yet, each step of the way; God would reveal just enough of His Glory to refocus Abram’s eyes upon God Himself instead of the circumstances.

Inch by inch Abraham’s faith grew. Did Abraham get it right each time? No, he didn’t. Ah, but that is part of the lessons learned; the rewards come because of God’s righteousness and Grace. It is not because of anything I can do for God. Then my labor for God comes out of devotion and awe of who He is—His Grace, His Glory, His Goodness. My labor no longer is for a present reward. Look very carefully at what God says next to Abraham, “After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward” (Genesis 15:1). Do you see that? God is the reward. Isn’t that enough? Like us Abraham goes on to question God. Abraham doesn’t understand because the circumstances don’t add up; yet, we see in verse 6-“6 he (Abram) believed in the Lord; and he (God) counted it to him (Abram) for righteousness.” He proceeds to tell Abraham about more trials to come to the nation that will come from Abraham’s seed. God tells Abraham to be assured that God will keep the promises made and that at an old age Abraham will come to his place of rest in God. So what are the six lessons that we can learn to have our hearts filled with peace and patience? Indeed, a peace and patience that brings joy.

1. We need to live our life with eternity in view.

2. Focus our eyes on the glimpses of Glory, praising God for His random acts of kindness. The beauty of a flower in bloom, the magnificent beauty of a sunset, the stars that twinkle at night, the scent of a rose, the meal laid before us, the love of a friend or a child, and on we could go with those blessings. Sometimes, my heart leaps for joy over what may seem trivial to someone else; but, I have learned it was grace that allowed me that joy.

3. When you don’t understand God’s plan, trust His heart. He gave His only begotten son for you—to purchase you and He has promised His best to you. He knows exactly what the final tapestry will look like and what is needed for you and I to ultimately find our greatest joy in Him.

4. When you search deep within your own heart, you will see that there is nothing your guilty hands have done that deserves salvation or rewards. Were it not for Grace, there is nothing I can do worthwhile even now. His Grace allows good to flow from me sometimes as His own acts of kindness by His filling my heart with His love. When I understand that truth, then I stop wanting to be patted on the head for anything of good that has flowed from me.

5. Stop comparing myself with others. When I am comparing myself with others I have taken my eyes off of God and placed them on me. I need to look to Him who is the author and finisher of my faith. He is my hope, my joy, my provider, and my strong tower.

6. Rest in His promises—to do that I must stay in His word and in prayer. When I neglect Him, I forget.

So, my dear friends, I do not know what trial you are facing today; but, I do know the one who wants to hold your hand every step of the way into a place of perfect rest, fearless faith, and awestruck joy. Will you join me? I would love to hear your stories of trials and of triumphs.

Listen to this lovely song, Trust His Heart

The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header  and the portrait above is Ronald Barba.  Please go to his website ( http://www.barba-art.com) for information regarding obtaining copies or to commission him to create a masterpiece for you.  Feel free to email him at Ron@Barba-Art.com to discuss any art projects.

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

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