10 steps to Rejoicing that You are Blessed

Power-filled Positive Thinking-Chapter 6c—10 steps to Rejoicing that You are Blessed

The word blessed as we have seen in the previous two sections is synonymous with being fulfilled, happy, honored and prosperous. Some might say, “If in Christ I am blessed; then, why is my life such a mess?” What happened?  Struggling from paycheck to paycheck, working way too many hours, an unappreciative spouse, illness, and so on our minds can get filled with today’s conflicts and trials. With these thoughts going through our head, we become caught with our emotions spiraling downward into depression, anger, and despair. Indeed some will run off seeking, searching and striving to find that happiness by running away or chasing after futile counterfeit joys. They may search for fulfillment in adulterous affairs, alcohol, drugs, divorce, or climbing the success ladder at all cost. Some will follow teachers who will tell them that if they just give more money and have more faith, they can name what they want and God will give it to them. When that fails, they are then laden with guilt and anxiety because they must have failed. All of this coming from a misconception of what it means to be the Blessed, Beloved Saint in Christ, because of Christ’s finished work of redemption on the Cross.

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courtesy of Vanessa Barrientos 

Yes, in Christ I am blessed with all spiritual blessings. My joy comes from an abiding relationship with God in which His love and His joy so fills my heart that it permeates everything inside and around me. How I view trials changes. How I perceive life’s challenges changes. What I value as my greatest treasures changes.

It comes from deep within the central core of my being—knowing, believing and trusting that an omnipotent, Sovereign Omniscient God loves me, bestows His honor and favor upon me because of who He is to the glory of His own name. It is His pleasure to bestow His joy, His love and His glory upon me. In fact, I was born for just that purpose. It is I who fails to grasp that at times when I wander off in search of other treasures and other blessing that cannot satisfy.

So, if we look at the beatitudes found in Matthew 5 “3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled 7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. 10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” Here we do see what we might think is an upside down view of blessing that we are to have long, sad faces and trudge our way to wait for our blessing of joy, love and glory some day in heaven—but not here. In this scripture the Greek word Μακάριος (Makarios) is used that was then translated as blessed. Remember Makarios means those who will find their fulfillment in God. Sometimes it is through brokenness, grief and sorrow that we first recognize that all these earthly treasures can’t satisfy the longing of our hearts—only God can.

Yet, in Ephesians 1 as well as throughout the books of Paul we are urged to understand and be filled with knowledge that we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus—here and now. So, you might still be saying; “I don’t feel very blessed, so how do I change that?” Remember I told you to ponder the quote, “Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thoughts are powerful and can change my whole destiny. So, to realize that I am blessed begins by changing or perhaps rearranging my thoughts.

Let me give you 10 steps to rejoicing that you are blessed.

1. Stop looking at the trials as burdens; but, rather see them as stepping stones to your next destination along this journey.

2. Stop focusing on the negatives and start focusing on the positive. Pick out those things that are right about your life and focus on those.

3. Write down every smile, kind word, or kind gesture that comes your way.

4. Notice the glimpses of beauty that pass your way—like a sunset, a flower, a painting or a rainbow.

5. Develop a gracious, grateful attitude in which you can say thank you to others and most importantly to say thank you to God. Be grateful that you have a glass of water to drink when you are thirsty, each morsel of food that you have, etc.

6. Stop thinking that you deserve more and realize that the truth is every breath you breathe is a gracious act of a Gracious God who owes you nothing; but chose to give you Himself.

7. Read and study God’s love letters to you.

8. Trust in God’s plan for your life. He sent His Beloved son so that He might redeem you unto Himself—what greater love could He have shown to you. So, trust His heart of love toward you to do whatever is best to guide you to a place of perfect joy, hope and love

9. Write down every trial that you have been through in your life and on the opposite side write down the blessing that came as a result of that trial. Look for it—I assure you as a child of God—it is there. Ask God to reveal to you the blessing that was hidden in that trial.

10. Listen to music that inspires you and brings joy into your life by praising God. If you don’t know what praise music to listen to, you can go to K-love radio on line and listen to it for a start.

Begin by singing this song, 10,000 Reasons—Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul with Matt Redman.

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

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